TX16s Handle with antenna support

TX16s Handle with antenna support


I wanted an antenna support for my new Radiomaster TX16s with following specifications: 1) Radio TX must stay in the supplied EVA foam bag 2) Antenna can be easily swappable 3) Antenna can be rotated by 90° (Horizontal and Vertical polarization) 4) Radio can be restore to original configuration I removed the original plastic from the metallic handle and I inspected to create a new 3D model (maybe for spares...). From this model I used a square (12mmx12mm) seat to hold the antenna pin with an angle of 35° from the flat surface of the handle. Handle itself is made y two halves that are screwed toghether once installed The pin slide inside the seat with minimum friction so it won't fall. Attached to the pin there is a strut (85mm lenght) that can tilt (or pan if you install the pin 90° rotated). When you finish the flying session you can remove the antenna and place the radio gear inside the original Foam box. Hope you will like my solution, if yes please offer me a coffe and click tip me. BOM 2 small screws for electronic (2mm x 5mm lenght) Some screws M3 various lenghts







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