Transformers Studio Series Devastator Balls

Transformers Studio Series Devastator Balls


The studio series Devastator lacked his balls. Expect updates and model changes So here we are. The peg in the connector slots into where Rampage/Skipjack's stand stores (you can store the stand back where you would if they were in vehicle mode) There are pulleys which you can tie some string or wires in to to make them dangle off. I have also included a static version which has the connecter and 2 balls connected incase you want the balls to not continuously clang about. This will also store in overload's vehicle and robot mode in the same place. It simply pegs on. The ball with the hook is awkward to print, so try get it so both the hook and the main ball touch the print bed with the hook point pointing upwards. The other ball you can print with the flat base without issues. Let me know of any problems when printing. Edit: The static set appeared to print sometimes detached, so I have added one with solid cylinders instead which should work. I will get to adding detail later on. Note: Feel free to remix this model to have higher detail since I am a novice model maker and only just started a couple days ago.






