Tensegrity Scoop | Tabletop Table | Mini Table

Tensegrity Scoop | Tabletop Table | Mini Table


Structure without Support Similar to my other Tensegrity Table, but with a better looking design. I woke up one day and kind of saw this in my head, so I modeled it as soon as possible. Still looking for the time to print it out, but I'm sure it won't cause too much trouble as there are no steep overhangs. How to assemble Materials: - 3 longer strings -- outer - 1 shorter string -- center - 1 base -- I recommend the ring, there's no need for the extra filament in the middle - 1 top -- Orient this model 180° for printing, the file comes as assembled (upside-down) 1.) Start with choosing a suitable center string length, and getting that slotted in, making sure that the arm of the top does not drop below into the ring of the base. This will give you an idea of the length of string needed for the outer tensioners. 2.) Get the outer strings cut & tied now that you know the correct length (approximately), then insert all three into the base, pulling them tight into the chamfered slots (make sure not to put too much force on the arm if using a brittle material like PLA). 3.) One at a time, keeping the center string in place and under (some) tension, slot the other end of the outer strings into the table-top. 4.) After getting two in, you should be able to feel the 'balance' of the structure and get it in it's right place to get the final string slotted in. 5.) Don't sweat it. It took me a lot of trial and error to get it even standing, and getting it level was about impossible (All three outer strings have to be exactly the right length. I'm sure if you are good with knots/string, this would be a breeze). You should now have a fully-assembled 3d-printed tensegrity table-top! Confused? Leave a comment and I'll do my best to help out the best I can. I've been debating making a video on the assembly, so if that would be helpful to anyone I'll make it.






