BFF Friendship triple gem rings dual colour
A triple version of my twin gem bff rings. They slot together to make a friendship ring/gem. I made it for my daughter and her classmates. Each rings diameter is 16.6mm which equates to about a No.06 US scale ring size. Index finger size of my 7 year old. It is a two colour print model, as I wanted to print the gems in a clear resin on my DLP and and the rings in PLA on my FDM. If you attempt this method, you will need to consider that there is 0.00 clearance between a gem and its seat on the ring so it will require sanding or adjusting accordingly to get a nice fit post printing. Glue each gem to its ring with superglue or similar. You will need to print each ring and gem combo independently of the other ring and gem combo as otherwise they will be fused into one great lump of a model. I suggest 0.1mm layers FDM and 0.05mm Resin. with plenty of walls and infill on the fdm. You will need supports. If you are slicing just for dual colour FDM, I would first "arrange" each ring and gem combo, and then re orientate to allow for the actual ring to be flat with the build plate to ensure good strength in the loop. Position to avoid nozzles crossing paths. I have included the Fusion file should you wish to adjust ring size or message etc. Happy printing! Obvs I have removed the names shown in the image