Yamaha WX5 Stand

Yamaha WX5 Stand


A holder/mount for a Yamaha WX5 wind controller. Versions for mounting on a tripod or on a wall. F3D files included for changing angles of lean or the amount of relief for non-scratch liners. Included here are the STL and Fusion 360 files for both the wall-mount and peg-mount style holders. The STL files were generated assuming that 2mm-thick felt would be added to the inside for scratch protection, and a 6-degree angle out from the wall for the wall mount. 2mm for the lining worked well for the black felt you can buy to line speaker cabinets (which is what I had on hand). A template, in PDF format, is included for cutting the sides, back, and bottom pieces. You may need to make extra cuts to the felt for the back of the cavity to deal with the bevel if your liner material isn't stretchy. If you wish to use felt of a different thickness (or no felt at all), load the Fusion 360 files and go to Modify->Change Parameters, and change the user parameter "felt_thickness". If you wish to change the angle from the wall of the wall-mount, change the user parameter named angle_from_wall. The peg mount is designed for a generic flute/clarinet stand. I think it's set to a diameter of about 16.5mm. You can change this in Fusion if your tripod peg is different. If you need modifications and are unable to use Fusion 360 or another CAD tool, contact me and I can send you a custom STL file. I also thought about adding a little curved slot for holding the mouthpiece cover when the WX5 is being used. If you really want that, let me know.







