Ortur Laser Master 2 - X Carriage Drag Chain Bracket

Ortur Laser Master 2 - X Carriage Drag Chain Bracket


I had real problems with the X Carriage cable bundle, where it would droop down and get caught on the substrate or get pinched between the homing switch. I tried to create a better <a href='https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4727830'>X Carriage Cable Clip</a> however over time the cable drooped as well. So I designed this laser cut design. I only had 3mm acrylic so i doubled them up and glued them with cyanoacrylate glue to fuse the parts together. I used this <a href='https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32214281467.html'>10x11mm out-open R18 drag chain</a> to bundle both the cables and the air assist tube. Of course your drag chain has different terminals, as such you will need to adjust the hole pattern. Enjoy.



