Hypercube e3D 40mm fan mount - REMIX FOR ROTATED HEATER BLOCK

Hypercube e3D 40mm fan mount - REMIX FOR ROTATED HEATER BLOCK


The couple of 40mm fan mounts I saw seemed to only fit if the heater block was rotated longways aligned with the X axis. This puts the wires into either the colling duct behind the extruder or in front of the fan which I didn't like the latter and I would have had to bend some things on the thermistor to get it to cram in. If you rotate the heater block 90 degrees, the wiring comes out the side instead which is how I am setup. The couple of models for ths seemed to bump into the heater block so I remixed this to allow clearance for the heater block (should be ~1.5mm clearance on each side and front). I also added back the original mount from the Hypercube with the sensor mount, and extended the cowl back 2mm hoping to get a little more direct airflow on the sides of the extruder / fins. This is current a work-in-progress and I am doing my second test print. Will update as this gets tweaked. I printed v5 and it was a little off. v7 should be a better fit. I would like to get a little more clearance but will have to see how this goes. I am printing in PLA so hopefully it doesn't distort too much. I could remove the middle section fo the bottom but I think you want to direct the air above the heater block so you are not fighting to keep it at the correct temp. I am also uploading a tweaked extruder mount. The fan housing should fit the stock Hypercube extruder mount, however, I made some tweaks... Changed hole size from 10mm to 8mm to use as wire management vs to hold a bed level sensor. I am just using an Z min endstop and a creatlity ultrabase glass bed (these are pretty flat and don't seem to need some of the advanced bed level features ... going more minimalist with old school bed leveling). I also added holes for the duct mount to use the 5x5 3mm brass inserts. FYI, for the fan mount, I also had on hand 4.2x3 3mm inserts (a little smaller than the ones used in the rest of the Hypercube). You may need to tweak the fan mount holes for your purpose. There is about 3mm of 3.2mm hole to mount in that will probably be enough to hold the fan but you may need to come up with your own solution or modification. I made some more tweaks in v10. The clone v6 was not fitting snugly. The diameter of the hole for the extruder was 12.5mm. The clone is 12mm and .5 was too much clearance so I reduced to .2 which should be a much more snug fit. I also made a little more headroom over the heater block to hopefully avoid possibly warping or melting the fan shroud. Also forgot to mention I removed the X-max endstop. My understanding is this only comes into play if there are missteps and the printer tries to go past the end of the print area because the software endstops haven't kicked in. Not sure I have had this as an issue ever and I am trying to simplify all the wiring / complexity I built in trying all the latest greatest stuff. Back to basics.



