Magic flying tealight
This thingy creates the illusion of a flying tealight using the tensegrity principle. It consists of a "flying" assembly (2 parts) and a ground assembly (3 parts) which should print all together in less than an hour. You also need two pieces of string (ideally strong, non-elastic and very thin) or wire and a standard-sized tealight. Adhesive is not required by design. However a drop of (super) glue might still be helpful (see below). ATTENTION I won´t take any responsibility if you burn down your house while playing with this. Open fire is very dangerous!!! ;-) ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE YOU START: Make sure that the grooves in parts A1, A2 and B2 are ok. If your printer is not well-adjusted they might be too narrow. Whatever string you use should slide in with a little resistance. If necessary widen the grooves with a knife or a thin file. STEP 1: Put together both assemblies as shown. Mind the orientation of part B3. Note how the assemblies are aligned (points 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 6 and 7). This is where they are connected with strings. STEP 2: Attach the first string to point 1. The longer end must face upwards coming out of the groove. This is important to get everything balanced. Give it a few turns until it gets stuck. Then secure it with a couple of tight knots, make them disappear inside the groove. Cut the shorter end. The other end should be at least 10cm long. STEP 3: Attach the second string to point 3. The longer end must face downwards coming out of the groove. Proceed as in step 2. The remaining end should be at least 20cm long. STEP 4: Take the string connected to point 1 and insert it into the groove at point 2. Adjust the length so that point 1 is about half way down to the ground plate B1. As before fasten the string at point 2 and cut the remaining string. STEP 5: This is the trickiest step. While holding the "flying" assembly (with a little tension on the string), guide the other string around the corner of point 4, through the groove 5, around the corner of point 6, and up into the groove of point 7. Before you tighten the fastening here, make sure that A1 is parallel to B1. You can give the string one or half a turn at point 7 so it only just sticks while you adjust. At this point you can already put a tealight in as its weight might change the positioning (especially if your string is elastic). Once you´re pleased with the result, tie it up as before and cut the end. STEP 6 (optional): Apply a droplet of (super) glue at points 4 and 6 to fixate the string. This will add some stability. Also you won´t have to align the string again in case you knock the "flying" assembly over. HAVE FUN and consider sharing your make with the community!