Ender 3 Glass Bed Corner Clips

Ender 3 Glass Bed Corner Clips


Glass Bed Clips for Ender 3, Creality Glass Bed I created these after my first clips gave out (PLA on a heated bed lead to warping of the clips). I printed these in PETG to give them a bit more temperature resistance, but due to how they wrap the corners and are attached at the bed screws, they haven't moved much if at all. I've had them on my printer now for a couple months and have had zero issues. corner clip v1 should be printed 3 times for the lower left, upper right, and lower right corners. corner clip v2 should be printed for the upper left corner (the one with the bed plug and wires running under the bed) to install, I removed the bed tension wheels, springs, and screws. Next, I slipped the corners over the bed plate and fed the screws back through the bed and threaded the screws through the clips. For the corner with the heat bed plug, I did need to move the taped wires slightly to wrap into the clip nicely (I just used the scraper to nudge them over w/o removing the tape). I put the springs below the clips, so the spring tension is pushing the clips against the bed, and the set the bed back in place and put the tension wheels on just enough to keep the bed in place (don't tighten yet). With the clips still lose, I slid my glass plate into one side of the clips and then set it down on the other ends clips and gently pushed the clips up from the bottom to get them to 'click' over the other end of the glass bed (I decided it was better to push the clips up and over, rather than trying to force the glass down onto a metal surface). By leaving the clips lose, this process went very smoothly and everything clicked into place. I was then able to tight the tension wheels back up and re-level the bed! I've designed these to have clearance on all sides of the bed, and use minimal space on top of the bed. I did use support to make sure the tabs stayed in the correct spot.



