Vast: The Crystal Caverns + Fearsome Foes Insert / Organizer
<h1>Description</h1> An insert/organizer for the board game Vast: The Crystal Caverns and its expansion The Fearsome Foes. This is meant to fit everything from both the base game and the expansion except the 3D miniatures (those all fit in the 3D miniature expansion box, and I couldn't fit them nicely in this organizer) with little to no lid lift! As such, this can fit the wooden pieces for each character as well as their cardboard counterparts. This is my first design ever, so feedback is appreciated! I'm not certain why the blue models in the images on Thingiverse look all funky, but it printed fine for me and should print fine for you. :) <h1>Parts</h1> You'll need: <ul> <li>1x of each character box</li> <li>2x card holders</li> <li>1x special tile holder</li> <li>1x regular tile holder</li> <li>1x miscellaneous holder/space filler. I found this to be useful for storing the standees and their bases. I also put the wooden treasure chests in here, but they also fit in the special tiles section. </ul> <h1>Notes</h1> Tolerances are *very* tight, so some sanding of the outside of the containers might be required depending on your box, printer, etc. I only had to sand a bit to get things to fit, but it's quite snug in my box. All printed containers go on the bottom of the box, with the player boards and instructions sitting on top.