MagSafe iPhone 12 Tripod Mount
A friend asked if someone could print a tripod mount for the iPhone 12 MagSafe charger and added a link to the Desk & Wall Dock, so I thought I'd give it a try. All the important measurements were done by Barelyanything, I simply added a few bits to fit a tripod thread. Make sure to check his other designs: The center hole is to fit a 3/8 inch to 1/4 inch converter screw which I "soldered" in. Just put it on top of the hole and heat it with a soldering iron or heat up the screw first and then screw it in. Rest of the holes is just to save a bit on fillament and to be able to remove the MagSafe in case you have to. This bit is still work in progress tho, since I'm not sure how much I can remove without risking the sturdyness. As Barelyanything put in the original: It's friction fit so you can simply press it in and it will be very secure. As by my testing it is pretty sturdy even with PLA, I couldn't manage to break it without extreme force. This is a remix from