Garden Box Corners (2021 Version) | Use 2x6 Boards For Raised Beds

Garden Box Corners (2021 Version) | Use 2x6 Boards For Raised Beds


Using standard 2x6 boards in conjunction with 4x of these printed corners, you can build custom sized raised garden beds of your choice. This is designed to print without the need for supports (all angles are 45 degrees). They secure into the boards using standard construction screws of choice. Due to the small bed surface area, it is likely a good idea to print with a brim or raft. There is no need for infill (0%). Make sure your wall thickness is set to 1.6mm as the file is design specifically to account for a .4mm nozzle size with four passes on the 90 degree stacked walls and six passes on the 45 degree stacked walls. With rafts, this prints in 5hrs 20min. I am using 3DN published low quality settings for my Artillery X1 with the following modifications in Cura: - Wall Thickness 1.6mm - Wall Line Count 6 - Top Layers 6 - Bottom Layers 6 - Top/Bottom Pattern Zig Zag - Infill Density 0% - Print Speed 150 mm/s - Build Plate Adhesion Type Raft - Raft Extra Margin 5 - Raft Top Layers 1 - Raft Print Speed 100mm/s - Raft Middle Print Speed 100mm/s - Raft Base Print Speed 100mm/s



