Ender 3 Z-axis Motor Spacer

Ender 3 Z-axis Motor Spacer


This is a spacer for the Ender 3 z-axis motor. I was getting a bad first layer on my Ender 3 V2 and found my z-axis was jamming slightly, leading to an "elephant foot" effect on my prints. The threaded rod was tilting back along the Y-axis because the motor was too close to the extrusion. This simple spacer solved the problem, so I thought I would share it. This is placed between the vertical aluminum bar/extrusion and the motor mount. The two (M4 I think) motor mount screws pass though it as shown in the photo. You can make a copy of the file at this link and edit to the thickness you need. https://cad.onshape.com/documents/65e984437a3d8ecebdba5320/w/e89463025f63c50f7ee77634/e/d57b8ac7e0dfe2da2b7e256a The STL provided is 0.5mm thick, which was what I needed.



