am8 20x20 y axis

am8 20x20 y axis


always had trouble with bearings, rods and the flimsy carriage plate so here is what i came up with. took these and made me design around them (print setting i used .2LH 5 walls 5 top and bottom 90% infill) you will need (for carriage) 1- prusa i3 style y carriage 4- pom wheels (5m bolt) 4- 10mm eccentric nut (5m bolt) 4- 5m x 30 bolts nuts washers 2- 4m x 8 bolts 2- 3m x 20 bolt and nut (frame mount) 2- 400mm 20x20 extrusions 4- 20x20 corner brackets 22- 5m x 10 bolts and T nuts 1- 20 tooth motor pully 1- 20 tooth idler pulley (3m bolt) IMPORTANT note you will have to drill out the ends of the bearing slots on the Y plate to get the eccentric nuts to go through or drill holes where ever you want along that line. TEST 2 of the holes before you drill all 4 for proper fit and adjustment by the eccentric nuts.



