Heated Bed Lift Kit for bed insulation - Longer LK1 / Alfawise U20 U30

Heated Bed Lift Kit for bed insulation - Longer LK1 / Alfawise U20 U30


EDIT: After several months, I noticed the printed washers had warped significantly. Maybe it's PLA's tendency to do exactly that when under constant stress, or maybe it's the heat making its way through the neoprene. Probably it's both. In any event, I re-printed the washers in CF PC and so far so good. PETG probably would have been fine, but I'm really loving CF PC for structural prints right now. <b>The moral of the story is that PLA is no bueno for the washers.</b> This is a "lift kit" to raise your heated bed to accommodate insulation or anything else you need to fit between the bed and the bed support frame. I bought a cheap neoprene insulation pad on ebay and upon installing it, found that it hit the Y stepper in the back and the belt cover in the front. Also, the flat springs just sort of dug into the insulation by varying amounts, making for a sloppy and unreliable leveling process. Not good. I made some simple wide washers to give the springs a solid surface to push against, so they don't dig themselves into the insulation. They're a little tight on the bolts, so you have to screw them on. This is by design, so they won't fall off when you flop the bed over to install it. Fiddling with the springs is difficult enough, no need to make it even more difficult. I also made a Z endstop offset block and a pin to hold it in place. I found 9mm was perfect for my setup, but since other people may have other needs. I made versions from 3mm to 30mm in 3mm increments. Note that 12mm is the highest you can go with the stock bolts, and 15 is the max for the stock springs. It should go without saying, but just in case: Whatever lift you install will subtract from the usable vertical print volume. You'll probably want to change your settings so you don't try to send the gantry higher than it can actually go. The offset block was specifically designed to fit the Longer LK1 / Alfawise U20 & U30, but it may fit other printers as well. Sorry, I don't have any others to test. Please feel free to modify them for your own device. Everything prints without supports as provided, though the block and pin could definitely benefit from a brim.



