Updated 3M Generic reusable IN and OUT filters optimized for printing

Updated 3M Generic reusable IN and OUT filters optimized for printing


*** I’m no longer posting to Thingiverse, or Updates. If you wish to see all my work and updates to items posted to Thingiverse please visit my personal website https://gallaghersart.com/design ,OR Google “GallaghersArt 3D” (GallaghersArt is a single word no spaces). Thingiverse was fun! All models are meant for fast printing. May still optimize more later. All use same filter size and filter cover that just snaps into place. Just cut filters to same size as the mounts. Place filter in place and press cover into place. Filter should be same size as the mount and no bigger. Cover should keep filter in place. I’m using a 3M Virus level home filter that I cut apart to make my own filters. Any valid filter can be used. Choose a cover that matches your compressed filter thickness. (2x versions, thin or a few layers of filters - not fabric) All models are support free. Print in place. The air outtake should have some brims or such to keep part adhered to print bed. 60% flow Bridge yes, please look at pictures to see best bridge 1st layer. I use a 0.4mm nozzle but with a line / perimeter of 0.5mm. this makes for a better print and better speed. 0.2mm layer height. The base of the mount could be from the layer height of 1mm to 2.2mm be 0.1mm per layer height for the locking clamp to the 3M mask. (0.2mm for all layers of cover). I would remove bridge layer after print. If you take a pointed file along the ends of the bridge layers to break them from the model. Then you can use your fingers to gradually press bridge layer from the hexagon grid. With a file clean up any part of the printed models so that they attach to 3M mask cleanly. Also clean up the areas that the cover attaches to, or the inside of the cover. Note on use: Filters I use appear to also block most if not all humidity. After few hours drinks are necessary as mouth dries out. Mind the direction of the filters before you cut and make them. The version I have has he soft side as the air intake side. So the air in mounts would have soft fuzzy side out, and the air intake mount would have soft fuzzy side faced in. Air out take will pool up with water after a few hours. When removing mask keep it tilted up as like you wear it. Just do not spin around. Over sink pry air -outtake cover off from the top first then pull bottom away keeping filter faced downward (filter is contaminant > trash). Any luck only the filter and inside will be wet. Cover should be OK… Dry everything really good and disinfect spay all affected areas. If any moisture is in the air Intake, then your valves are broken and need fixed. Clean and disinfect before using again and replace filters with new ones. When removing used filters use extreme safety as even if you’re not sick the filters may be contaminated and could infect you if touched incorrectly and not washing hands and so on… I wear gloves while taking off and cleaning. The main Air outtake mount should for the most part stay on the 3M mask as the way it is mount is not meant for on and off action. Having a few extras of these already printed would be wise. I carry an extra cover with filter, air intake and outtake, and along with an air intake plug. I found some cheap Supposed to be UVC USB LED strips, Not UVC but UV.+?. lined a box with reflective foil and placed these USB UV LED strips along the inside of box. Then the ends of the LED strips I placed within mask areas. The longer the better. Not a light to have on while looking at.






