BamaTech Rain Cover - Regen-Cape POTY Patch QO-100
<h1>Thanks for a TIP</h1> <h1> Or a coffee?</h1> Hello and thanks for the amazing interest on @twitter Here is the BamaTech Rain-Cover and some information about it. The files for the V1 version without lens are named V1.... The files for the V2 with lens are named V2... While I have no V2 I was not able to test it. Got the measurements from an OM in the DATV Whatsapp Group and hope they are correct. Please print it and leave feedback. Thanks <h2> Questions? </h2> Hope not. if i missed something, please drop me an email! i am not very often on thingiverse and so your message will be lost. Write me an email! If you need a modified version? Write me an email! Hope you enjoy the design and leave a positiv feedback and ALSO your MAKES. Thanks Sandor DM4DS