Raspberry Pi NoIR Night Camera Case & Ball joint Stand

Raspberry Pi NoIR Night Camera Case & Ball joint Stand


Accessory for the Raspberry Pi NoIR Night vision camera: + Slim Case with open back for good cooling + Ball Joint allowing 40deg deflection in X and Y and 360deg in Z. + Small stand + Attach compatible with my Articulated Arms Build System https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4755994 Cleaning & Mounting instructions: - If the screw of the base does not easily go in the nut, do not use force: - Engage the nut - Exert rapid twisting motion in both directions so that the screw goes progressively more in - From time to time, remove the screw and clean the thread before trying further. - Make sure the ball has no blobs - Place the ball in the nut and screw the base on it - Glue the ball strut in the ball with the ball inside the nut Print instructions: - Print orientation as on the picture tagged "easy print" - No support required - Max 0.4mm line width - Dimensions are exact without any clearance* (*) This allows for a really nice and tight fit adapted to your own print settings: Just make sure you have your "Horizontal Expansion" setting calibrated. As a reference, I used -0.18mm for PETG at 0.16mm layer height.






