Rococo Deluxe Insert Trays

Rococo Deluxe Insert Trays


These trays remove the need for baggies in the Rococo Deluxe board game. It supports sleeved cards. I use Dragon Shield, which are thicker than even some other premium sleeves, so this should accommodate nearly any type of properly-sized sleeve. The trays primarily replace the three removable trays in the game box, but the money trays also fit into the main part of the insert, as shown in the photos. The only downside to this insert is that I had to cut off a portion of the lip around the gold tray that sits over the trays. I included a picture so you can see what I mean. This allows that gold tray to sit flush and to be easily insertable / removable. Here is what to print: Player Tray x5 Money Tray x2 Lace Tray x1 Thread Tray x1 Tall Card Tray x1 I look forward to seeing any improvements others can make! I included the source OpenSCAD files to make editing easier. I don't have the Plus version of Rococo, so I designed this for the cardboard coins and without some of the additional components that come with the Plus version. There is some extra space in some of the trays, however, so someone could remix this for the Plus version's additional components.



