Star Trek Voyager Mark IX Tricorder Holster
I couldn't find a basic tricorder holster for my Stapleton Mk IX Science Tricorder so I created one. This is my very first design made in Fusion 360 and printed on my CR-6-SE. Since so many people provide their own models for others to enjoy, I wanted to contribute as well. NOTE: The cradle is slightly larger than the tricorder. This is so you can place adhesive felt sheets inside available at craft stores. I recommend making sure each inner surface has felt wherever your tricorder would touch. This will both hold your tricorder securely when you are walking but also minimize the wear from hard plastics rubbing together. I still recommend several clear coat layers over your painted prop. This was designed to try to minimize the needs for supports. You may need a small amount under the belt clip if you want it to look perfect. Since it is on the back, you won't see any imperfections while wearing if you print it without them. This file has been engraved with GoodRobo which is my gamer handle. It's on the back so you won't see it during normal use. Photo is of an earlier test version. This v6 version has some of the imperfections removed from previous versions.