3D Printer Wall Tool Shelf
I created those shelf with Freecad to mount my 3D printing tools on the wall for easy accesss. They were made custom to my tools but some ask me to post them so they can print them. The swiss files I got from Amazon, the spray bottle came from Dollar store for my alcohol, I also got a small butane torch from Jet and some pumps for my vacuum containers and vacuum zip lock bags to store my filaments. I also have a spot for the nozzle cleaner needle files, some bur bits and markers. Allen screw driver set I had for my RC hobby and they works real nice for the printer, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3mm. I printed them standing up on my Ender 3 Pro some with support for the wrench and pliers holder. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B081TV74K3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.ca/Titanium-Screwdriver-Multi-Axis-Quadcopter-Helicopter/dp/B07BF7WP1Z/ref=pd_sbs_2?pd_rd_w=VdWKC&pf_rd_p=ba284f11-925a-4926-8142-0043fa482b41&pf_rd_r=QG5TM4ZXHFJB4WT5PTXA&pd_rd_r=216441ed-d253-4724-9453-46e612188c35&pd_rd_wg=KlK3Q&pd_rd_i=B07BF7WP1Z&psc=1