EK-Archery Cobra R-series AR15-type Buffer Tube Adapter

EK-Archery Cobra R-series AR15-type Buffer Tube Adapter


So, 2020 when Corona-hysteria started I decided to opt for a crossbow. I wanted something suitable for home defense and I eventually found EK-Archery Cobra R-series crossbows and found them to be surprisingly powerful. So, while I do usually use a stock while shooting, I do enjoy "hip firing" a pistol crossbow. Therefore I had to opt for folding stock. By default, Cobra R-series crossbows are delivered with a horrible AR15-type buffer tube/tele-stock adapter. It is oversize and it binds constantly. It also feels awfully loose to the crossbow frame. (probably Mil-spec stock and buffer tube with commercial dimensions?) I started this project by buying suitable Folding Stock Adapter for AR15 buffer tube thread (1-3/16" 16tpi) (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/733586727.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4de6QCaO) Then I also required a ***MIL-SPEC*** AR15-type "Buffer Tube" to fit the stock on (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001277572073.html?) Then I went on to model suitable adapter to fit these on my Cobra R. It is tight, reasonably durable and COOL as heck! :) Tipping is appreciated so I may continue developing other upgrades, but absolutely not mandatory. :)



