TV / Movie Quote Sound Wave Pendants - With Guide/Tutorial (UPDATE: 28/02/2021)

TV / Movie Quote Sound Wave Pendants - With Guide/Tutorial (UPDATE: 28/02/2021)


These pendants makes a great gift idea for a friend, family member or anyone you can share your appreciation of a movie, television show, genre or franchise with. The sound wave is of the first quote was said first by Morgan Stark and then later by Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame. The second quote is first said by the Mandalorian Armorer followed by another ally later on in the show, The Mandalorian, from the Star Wars Universe. The model can be scaled in slicing software depending on whether it is being printed as a necklace pendant, key chain or earring. The scale of the model will determine what nozzle size needs to be used in order to print every piece of the sound wave. Take care when scaling the model as the thickness of the print in some areas may be prone to breaking at smaller scales. If you could please post any makes or feedback you have that would be greatly appreciated! UPDATE : 10/02/2021 Uploaded a new version of the STL file in addition to the original. This version should be easier to print as the sizing of the bars is more consistent with the addition of chamfers instead of fillets around the loop section for better printing and should be easily printed with a 0.3mm nozzle. UPDATE : 21/02/2021 Uploaded a new sound wave pendant from the The Mandalorian television series, also uploaded images of the printed pendant. UPDATE : 28/02/2021 Uploaded a new version of both sound wave pendants with a backplate for easier print removal with less likelihood of part damge, also uploaded more images of the pendants.






