QIDI X-Plus X-Max Top Covers - hose and fan remix

QIDI X-Plus X-Max Top Covers - hose and fan remix


** Update** 2-10-2021 I realized that with the first design I put everything on the wrong side of the part. Moving it to the other side would have made it very support dependent so I re-made this flat version. Now both pieces should mount to an 80mm fan using standard case fan screws. If you want to use it without a fan, simply screw the hose adapter to the plate. This is a remix of humebeam's great cover for the hole in the lid of the X-Plus and X-Max. I already had 3 inch flexible duct and 80 mm fans on hand so I remixed it to work with those. It could probably be more efficient in terms of airflow, but I'm not looking to exhaust the volume of the print chamber very quickly, I just want somewhere for fumes from ABS to go that's not my room. This will not work with the included spool holder, in my case, I will be adding a wall mount spool holder above the printer with a PTFE tube running from that, through this cover and into the printer. The fan option will provide a lot more airflow. I was considering wiring this fan in with the chamber circulation fan, so it comes on automatically. The other option just goes straight to the hose. You could use it with an inline fan, or a fan mounted at the other end. I think even using this passively(no fan) would likely take care of ventilation needs. I have not printed these yet, but it's not my first time designing fan and hose adapters. They should fit but let me know if it needs a design change. It's at a 45 degree angle so most printers should be able to do it without support. If you have one of humebeam's cooling ducts on your machine, you'll have no issue printing this!



