Unicorn sugar skull

Unicorn sugar skull


This is a remix of the model "To revive a unicorn" made by a girl called Anna, on a workshop at a afterschool programme for kids as part of the project "To revive a unicorn". The project explores 3D-printings ability to make art accessible to everyone, everywhere and become an everyday-experience, as well as its capability to let people rework and remix art and find new purposes and contexts for art pieces. As part of the project I want to encourage you and everyone else to use this model in whatever way you can imagine - Remix it, hack it or just print it and use it as it is, for what you want. And I will highly appreciate you sharing photos, models and other documentation of what you might do whith it, both here and and on Instagram with the hastag #toreviveaunicorn. Thanks :) BEWARE: As mentioned above; this design is the outcome of a workshop for children with no prior experience in 3D-modelling. The focus of the workshop was creativity and not building technical skills - because of this, there are technical design flaws in this design and you might find it quite tricky to print. Just to make that clear ;)






