Ender 3 Pro Z-rod and motor stabilizer

Ender 3 Pro Z-rod and motor stabilizer


This is remix of https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3903887 Lead-screw should have 21mm distance from vertical profile to screw center. Mine had 21,5mm. I remixed this Z-axis stabilizer for my purpose. Besides of making lead screw straight it has baering for holding this lead-screw in place. You need to check this distance between Lead screw and vertical profile. Originaly it should be half of motor size so 42/2=21mm. Files description: mocowanie_silnika_lewe_edner3pro.stl is maded for 21,5mm distance. mocowanie silnika prawe edner3pro.stl is maded for 23mm distance. I use this with dual Z-axis carriage: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4182312. So it is 3mm lower than original, so X gantry could get down to position zero without any problems. If Your distance is different than You need to remix this thing or add spacers.



