Coin Cell (2032) Dummy Battery

Coin Cell (2032) Dummy Battery


This is a dummy 2032 cell that lets you create a surrogate coin cell for any device that uses the CR2032 battery. Similar to my [Dummy AA Battery of 2016](, this is a combination of a 3D-printed body and threaded-through 24-gauge wire for the contacts. This item helps you to adjust the voltage of a multi-cell pack (probably not so common) if you short both wires together. More interestingly, you can use the feed wires to inject power from an external source (eg. two AA batteries, a 3V adapter output, or a bench supply). It can be very useful for doing things like measuring the current consumption of your device, or extending the operating life between battery changes. Refer to the numbered pics for threading approach. Basically you need some 24gauge wire (eg bell wire) and you follow the path to create conductive surface contacts at the required spots. Coin cells are used in a variety of holders. Some contact opposite faces of the battery, others contact just the positive face and the edge of the coin-cell for the negative. This surrogate should handle both situations. *[The popular 2025 size is thinner, so a bit more challenging to create. Watch here for a future design for that size when i get time to pull something together.]*






