Printed EZ Wick Centering Tool

Printed EZ Wick Centering Tool


I was unable to find any printed wick setting tools that really made sense. I decided to make this thing instead of buying one. the only item that is missing is the center rod. the hole and adapter can be customized to fit any aluminum tube. This device is sized for an aluminum tube with an exact diameter of 12.82mm. All prints have been sized for Shrinkage of .9% Your filament may differ slightly. Typical abs shrinkage is from .7% to 1.3% in my experience. if you are not sure, make it slightly larger. You can always sand it down to get a perfect fit. Cant add more if it's too big :) *NOTE!!!! The adapter in this print has been designed to stop the print at layer number 20!! Two holes have been placed in the head to allow Neodymium magnets to be placed in. After the print has resumed, the magenets will be printed in the part. This will allow the wick tabs to stick to the adapter when you use it to set them. Keep this in mind if you wish to use this device as intended!!! The magnet size I used is precisely: 6.4mm x 1.7mm.





