ice fishing basic reel with drag, and rattle
I have been printing in pla and testing in -10 to -20C but i'm going to try petg and abs next just download these flies: (base scaled 96%.stl, scaled properly nut.stl, reel washer.stl, reel fat.stl) those files as is should work most printers I scale the base and nut to increase the tolerances. if you are having trouble use the (reel nut smaller.stl,reel base tal.stl) as they are not scaled and then scale as needed notes I can get away with no supports and .3 lay height it takes 2.5 hours to print everything at once. when printing the reel (reel fat.stl) when about 50% done place 4 steel bbs in each section thats open of the infill (hex triangle or 3d cross-work best for me at 8-15% infill). the base should be printed at least 25% infill with 3 or 4 wall line count because of the threads the nut and washer infill doesn't matter as much but the wall line count should be 4 or more then assemble like in the pictures tie line on and the screw to a broad or dowel or whatever you want will post pictures of my setups later.