Stronger Creality CR6 CR 6 SE Hotend Fan Duct for 40mm fan

Stronger Creality CR6 CR 6 SE Hotend Fan Duct for 40mm fan


I printed the original thing this is remixed from in PETG, so it looks pretty blobby etc, but it's strong stuff - however, I'm using it with a 4020 fan instead of a 4010 fan and within about an hour the weight had made it start to droop and it was getting closer and closer to the hotend. This remix includes some extra vertical and horizontal bars so the duct is really well supported by the heatsink and is much stronger overall. If you use PETG, ABS or nylon it shouldn't get hot enough to melt - especially if you've used a more powerful 40mm fan compared to the 30mm stock. I'm using 4020 Sunon maglev fans with a 220ohm resistor to make them run at about 20v instead of 24v and they are pretty much silent while still providing even better airflow so that the heatsink doesn't get hot even when using PETG. In fact, the airflow from the fan was so good I didn't want it blowing directly on the hotend and onto my bed - so I improved this further by adding more plastic to block the air from escaping the bottom of the fan duct. Not only does this allow the hotend to keep it's temperature more efficiently, it also makes the duct even stronger and directs even more air to the heatsink fins where it will dissipate the most heat. You can see my two versions along with the original in a couple of my photos. You can print them either way up - but supports are needed for a few bits to print well and strongly. I prefer them in the orientation I've set them in the STL because there is a wide area touching the bed and also only the internal screw-holes need supports. Definitely PLA or other low temperature material is NOT recommended as they are resting on the heatsink - but if you've upgraded your fan anyway it's unlikely to get hot enough to melt anything. Mine has been used for printing for hours with no issues. Make sure you follow a guide to recalibrate your PID after doing this mod or any that affect your hotend cooling/insulation to get the best out of it. My modified breakout board cover is here My 40mm fan covers are here My 40mm part-cooling fan adapter with PTFE/Cable support is here



