Beach Condo WiFi Sign

Beach Condo WiFi Sign


After going to my friend's condo and noticing she had a boring label of the WiFI SSID and password, I took it upon myself to make something witty while appropriate for the summer renters. I attached the SCAD file to let you customize it how you like. If you are wanting to create a custom QR code, there are a few steps. 1) I used this site to generate a QR Code for my network, although any site should work: 2) Then, I used this site to convert the 2D PNG to a 3D model that I can important into CAD software: 3) Finally, I tried to use Fusion360 to model the sign, but my computer kept on crashing, so I settled for TinkerCAD instead. Import the SVG into TinkerCAD and scale it down to 42mm/42mm if you keep my initial dimensions. Attached are some pictures of the final model. I printed it with dimensions of 230mm/80mm. I attached a side view so you can see that the letters are 3mm thick, but I left the QR Code and network info as 1mm.






