Two Wheel Flat Top Cart - D&D Scatter

Two Wheel Flat Top Cart - D&D Scatter


A wooden flat-top cart with two wheels, printed in several pieces to hide any flat surfaces. I designed this piece to help populate a farming community for one of my D&D games - and printed it on an FDM printer. This pieces would likely also come out great (possibly even better) on an SLA printer, so if you try it, I'd love to see the result. Just a few notes to make printing/assembly easier: - be sure to print out two (2) wheels - to make printing/putting it together easier - you can forgo printing the axel and can substitute a slightly sanded toothpick instead, and then cut it to length. - similarly, I've made variations using cut up coffee stir-sticks in place of the cart bed. This is designed for 28mm scale, and can fit in a variety of different places making it a very re-usable piece of scatter. The handles are designed to fit around the average mini, or the average mini horse/beast of burden if you want to be a little more elaborate! As always, I'd love to see how you all print these and use them in your games. Please add makes/pictures so others can get some ideas for how to use it! ------------------------- Update (February 12, 2021) * Fixed STL scale






