Tire Rim Wheel Mockup

Tire Rim Wheel Mockup


Started a bunch of code cleanup to this Tire Rim Wheel Mockup So far it is not usefull as real rim because there is no groove for a tire! Maybe that will be next... As is the mockup is adjusted for approximateley a wheel of a stroller (12.5X1.25) Being Open Scad you can make your custom size of course... So here is the executive Summary of _Why_ I picked up on the remix of the design of Peter __ (german dude) opf the toy motorcyle wheel SCAD program... For one I am working on the _open steering library_ (with Bikes, Trikes and Quads in mind) which is exciting and could do with a proper mockup of a wheel... The other is that I have invested a bit of thought already about makening a printable adapter between an howerboard motor and small rims... I think there should be an open fender too - and I 'dear' you to beat me to it! I like to do adapters to chain wheels and brake disks too which might require bits of metal... Please do remix and publish! Honestly I am looking forward to learn some decent SCAD coding, so I have been looking into different styles of code which I then try to understand - cleanup means to add methods that have descriptive names and do functions or modules that invite reutilization... I would really like to see that somebody would intend to close the loop on Open SCAD that taking the curser onto the object would take you to the code that caused that element... I shall try to forward that suggestion to the developers





