Simple Laser Etcher/Engraver

Simple Laser Etcher/Engraver


Let me know if you cant find the 2020 Rail Mounted Overhead exhaust filtration part. I think its somewhere in the currently uploaded files. If not I can find it. ***Update -- Added and fixed electronics case issues. Renders show with 40mm and 60mm LED fans. One render shows a LED strip hidden in the shroud to help illuminate the part your working with. 5mm carbon filter room when mounting the 60mm fan inside. Should be enough to filter out most smoke and fumes from a small laser. Added a bamboo style 12864 screen mount, adjustable angle. Ill get through some Marlin programming sometime for this setup, but in the meantime the case houses a stock Creality 1.1.4 board and there are plenty of presetup firmware you could use. Hardstops and software endstops must be programmed in until I get those end switches in. I need to do testing/buy parts before I can develop much further. TBA.*** A simple laser engraver/etcher. BOM, and testing coming soon. If your testing it before I do take caution. Any derivatives Ill allow as long as you collaborate/ask for permission and upload your tweaked version.







3D Printing