Heavy Destroyer Kempten
== Heavy Destroyer Kempten == Purpose: Attack / Offensive Power Projection Model: 42.3 x 16.3 x 12.6 mm L/W/H 1967mm^3 Real: 169m length, 65m width, 50,4m height Mass: 3887 Tonnes Crew: Figh Crew: 9 Long-Term: 64 Max: 64 No armor, 6 forward facing cannons, 1 forward facing railgun, 2 missile Racks, 2 heavy missiles One of the most modern and sophisticated ships of the fleet. The Kempten has only one purpose: projecting lots of firepower directly to the front. The advanced hull design helps the ship to sneak towards the enemy, but in a full fledged battle, it better is accompanied by an escort ship. It's stealth capability help on a larger, strategic level to project it's attack power to a larger area than typical. See https://www.thingiverse.com/decrayer/collections/full-thrust-dustcrawlers for the rest of the fleet. Recommended Ruleset: emeraldcoastskunkworks.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/full-thrust-project-continuum