300 Blackout Case Cutting Jig

300 Blackout Case Cutting Jig


This is a 300 Blackout Case Cutting Jig that I was asked to alter for a friend. Not sure who designed the original so I only post this for personal use. I made some changes to the original to make the length longer to drop the cut casing in a box easier and away from the waste parts. This was designed to be used with a Harbor Freight type Mini Cut-Off Saw called the Anaconda. The screw holes line up with the holes on the bed of the saw. I designed a shim to go under the Jig as the saw required the jig to be shimmed to be level. I will also post the bed that came with the jig to secure the saw at height to allow the casings to drop in a reloading style box. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4760488 I should have a reloading box completed soon. I want to print one to make sure it works before I post it. Update: I found that the shim that was originally attached was an incomplete version. It has been updated with the correct file.



