T-962 Modification

T-962 Modification


This is my seventh __’Thing'__, & also my seventh __'Fusion 360'__ design. My other projects —> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4716424 —> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4291794 —> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4213700 —> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4196767 —> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4158760 —> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4073804 *** <font color="blue"><b>Purpose:<b> I’ve purchased one of the now ubiquitous __T-962 Reflow Ovens__. I made this purchase knowing that there were problems, but also aware there are now modifications to better it’s performance! ------------------- ><font color="green">**Parts List:** One each of, 1. USB to Serial adaptor Base FINAL 2. USB to Serial adaptor Top FINAL 3. USB to Serial Adaptor Captured Nuts Front FINAL 4. FT232RL FTDI Mini USB to TTL Serial Converter ><font color="green">**Instructions:** Follow the instructions from, 1. https://github.com/UnifiedEngineering/T-962-improvements/wiki 2. https://hackaday.io/project/175048/gallery#54b521e9c2f7f31f6fbb458f48030d7a 3. https://github.com/UnifiedEngineering/T-962-improvements/wiki/Dallas-18B20-for-cold-junction-mod I have included drivers for both #Windows & #MacOS, which are files from the FTDI website; https://ftdichip.com/drivers/vcp-drivers/ 1. CDM v2.12,28 WHQL Certified.zip 2. FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_4.dmg <font color="RED"><b>Warning:<b> These fies are provided "as is", & I can't guarantee their suitability for your machine. They are however touted as designed for this particular board My parts allow you to have a permanent connection to the micro-controller. This will mean you can re-flash the oven, without having to take it apart every time.,






