SnapMaker 2.0 1600mW Engraving Test
Hi Everyone! First Post. I just recently purchased the SnapMaker 2.0 A350 and wanted to run a few test to optimize some engraving settings before diving into any long intricate projects. I decided to run some tests on the dot density setting first, my goal is to use the smallest Dots Per mm(DPM) without sacrificing quality. Here was my procedure: 1) Created a test file in Inkscape. 2) Separated each dot section onto its own layer. 3) Export each layer to a different PNG file. 4) Imported each PNG file into SnapMaker and scaled to size. Here were my Laser settings: Material: 1.5mm Plywood Engraving: B&W Power: 100% Jog Speed: 1500 mm/min Work Speed: 1500 mm/min NOTE: Just realizing I wrote mm/s in my test text :) I tested almost every density from 3 Dots per mm to 20 Dots per mm. In my opinion, the quality doesn't get much better after 8 Dots. 8+ all looks the same to me, has anyone needed more than an 8 dot density? I then compared 6, 7 & 8 closely. 6 dots has visible stepping on the circle, 8 dots has visible charring around the "A". I ultimately decided on 7 dots per mm. Now I'm working on creating another file to test power vs work speed. Hope you all found this useful.