Estep multiplier gauge - extruder calibration - 50mm extrude
A simple gauge I have created that quickly provides the estep multiplier for extruder calibration, saving getting the ruler and calculator out. It also has the gcode commands for quick reference. I just stuck the printed gauge to the 3D print with double sided tape. Below are the gcode commands I use (on my FLSUN QQ-S Pro), and the explanation of them so you can adjust what you need if necessary M205 - Get starting e-step M104 S200 - set hotend to 200 Measure 100mm M83 - Set extruder to relative mode G1 E50 F200 - Extrude 50mm at 200mm/min Repeat to check M92 Exxx.x (with new calculated steps) M500 - saves to memory M104 S0 - set hotend to 0