BTT SKR 1.4Turbo+TFT35 Case (CR10-Upgrade)

BTT SKR 1.4Turbo+TFT35 Case (CR10-Upgrade)


As I upgraded my (till then stock) CR10 with a BigTreeTech SKR 1.4 Turbo, their TFT 35 touch display, a filament runout sensor and a BLTouch I went and designed a case to take all the electronics (including the CR10's stock power supply and Mosfet) while being easier to work in than in the stock CR10 control box. Therefor I designed the case to consist of two seperate parts, that can be screwed together with standard M4 screws. All the cutouts at the back are made for standard JST-connectors to be wired to the steppers, endstops,... and are labelled. I also added cutouts for the CR10's stock power plug, main switch, hotend and bed connectors as well as mounts for a 60x25 front fan and 40x20 rear fan for cooling the electronics! There are also holes to organize all the cables with zip ties, as well as cutouts for a thermometer as this one:( and 3 basic switches like these: ( For convenience there are also cutouts at the front for sd-cards (with and without plastic case) and a USB-stick! The USB-port and microSD-slot of the mainboard as well as the USB-port and SD-slot of the TFT display stay accesible with this design! I added ready to slice stl-files as well as step- and f3c-files for Fusion360 to provide a base for modifications! If you do decide to print/modify/remix this please post it as such, so the community can profit from it! As of a request on my discord server ( I also just added an adapter to use the original Creality stock display and another adapter to fit a BTT TFT35 E3! After adding 2x BTTMOS mosfets to my printer to control the nozzle and bed temperature I also just added two spacers and a mosfet holder to mount them externally to the case and still keep the cables tidy! DISCLAIMER: As all the cables are organized together inside the new case here, I had to add a 10k resistor and a 100nF capacitor in parallel to the +5V and signal pins on all endstops to eliminate interferences and noise causing falsely triggering endstops! The same effect can also be achieved by using metal cable shielding on all sensor cables and the cable for the BLTouch! Also be aware that the cutouts for the stepper cables at the back are made for 4-pin JST-connectors, not the standard 6-pin! Cheers!



