High Tech Windshield Ice Removal System
High Tech Windshield Ice Removal System ================================= Specs: --------- * 512MB * SMD * High density 4-layer laminate PCB * Ground edges * Gold plated Build instructions: ----------------------- * PETG on Blue painter’s tape, wiped with alcohol for adhesion. * Layer height of 0.2652 mm, initial layer height of 0.3 mm * 4 walls, 0.4 mm nozzle and 6 layers on both top and bottom with concentric pattern * Gyroid fill at 12% * First layer speed set to 10 mm/s, subsequent layers at 80 mm/s, wall speed at 60 mm/s * No supports!!! * Retraction at 3.5 mm, retraction speed at 25 mm/s * Outer wall wipe distance 0.2 mm * Infill overlap percentage 10% * Infill overlap 0.004 mm * Skin expand distance 1.6 mm Or, you know, whatever… it’s all good. Assembly instructions: ------------------------------ * Print handle * Stick SIMM in slot, preferably with the non-connector side outward and any surface mount components away from the windshield contact surface (to avoid glass damage). * Use solder rework station to apply heat to handle slot if clearance is an issue (For those without a rework station, perhaps you can use the ceramic heater that’s keeping you from freezing your butt off). * Glue as necessary. A Canadian tech contribution in solidarity with our Texas brethren that are experiencing this new thing called ‘Winter’ Sorry, I can't test it... started raining today :) (yes, first post on Thingiverse, just testing)