Garden Hose Water Revitalizer
This fits the standard U.S. garden hose 5/8". One male and one female end are attached together to form the single unit. Simply connect the unit in between your water spigot and garden hose. This not only structures the water using the spiral vortexes but also there's a hollowed out BuckyBall in the middle to structure the water as well. So this imitates nature with the winding feminine curves of the streams and the wide angles of the BuckyBall simulates the jagged edges of the rocks. Structuring the water with these feminine and masculine increases the surface area of the water enabling it to be better absorbed. Alternating magnetic fields are also charging up the water at the same time. Triple setup for maximum revitalizing! Print with no support on any of the files I glued on (8)N52 Neodymium 10x3mm Magnets