Desktop Ring Light - Friction Fit - Wemos D1 - Neopixel Ring

Desktop Ring Light - Friction Fit - Wemos D1 - Neopixel Ring


Desktop Mini-Lamp with moveable arm. I designed this to learn friction fitting. With the exception of the arm mounts, everything snaps together. Still in progress, as I may enhance or redesign to learn other techniques. ##### Notes * I did attempt to bond the mounts in the printing process, but the necessary supports causes issues with friction fit or resulted in unsmooth surfaces. * The ring light can be surprisingly bright. I included covers of various thickness so you can control the diffusion. #### Pre-Build * Use a bit of super glue to bind the mounts to their respective bases #### Installation * Snap arm into mounts * Wires can be thread through the arm and mounts * solder so that leads are on top, moving inward on the ring * Ring snaps into holder, should be snug * feed wires into the gap (as shown in photo) * solder wires to D1 leads up * Place base over D1 and snap ring cover on * Flash D1 with WLED or software of choice #### Tips * I hot glued some pennies to the inside to give it weight






