Spring Loaded Pulley Tensioner(2020 or 4040 rail)
***Update: 4040 Version uploaded. Tip: when the belt starts to go limp, time to replace the springs. But this time no more guess work on just how tight. Get your spring choice just right and they will keep your belt properly tensioned throughout their lifetime.*** Btw springs are common bed springs you find for Ender 3 Pro's. 7x20x7 I think. Screws to mount any part are all M5, but you can probably get away with M4. Update: I got that revised version for Ender 3 Pro and similar X axis setups. Enjoy A design for a spring loaded tensioner for the Ender 3 Pro or the like. This wont mount just yet because stupid me forgot to check for clearances with other parts. Ill fix that up asap. Otherwise a simple mechanism that I'd thought to bring over to the printing industry from the automotive. Really if dont right this should help dramatically with backlash and ringing in the belt. You also have to tension the belt less frequently since its always tensioned by the spring. PARTcommunity/PARTserver powered by CADENAS provided the STL file for the 638/5ZZ bearing I used as a mockup to make sure everything fits. Cant do the normal way so GT2 Pulley used from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:650814