Montessori Math Beads / Cubes
Our take on the Montessori counting chains, bead, square, and cube. A good explanation of the beads is here: It's important to print each number in their own color: 1 - Red 2 - Green 3 - Peach 4 - Yellow 5 - Light Blue 6 - Purple 7 - White 8 - Brown 9 - Dark Blue 10 - Gold Chains: The files with the 'hole' in the filename make up the chain. There is a hole running the length of the bead for using 20 gauge solid wire to make loops and join the chains together. Print the same number for each number (i.e. for 8 print 8 beads; for 10 print 10 beads). Each number bead is joined to create one long chain. When placed length-wise, the chains will form a a square. Squares: Print the number of squares the same as each number (like chains above), so for 8, print 8 squares. When each is stacked, the squares will form a cube and will be the same size is the cube. Cubes: One 1 of each is needed.