OO Gauge Box Wagon (MWA and MWA-B)

OO Gauge Box Wagon (MWA and MWA-B)


# An improved version is available [here](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4786452) These aren't hyper-detailed models, but they print well and are good enough for my garden railway. Plus I'm proud of them! They're part of a larger set of 3D printable trains I've been developing. Models for two variants of the MWA box wagon: MWA and MWA-B. MWA is green and MWA-B is grey. Assembly requires up to eight 4mm M2 screws or hot glue. There are square pits in the bottom of the 'top' and top of the 'base' to allow space for hot glue without changing the shape of the finished wagon. The bogies require a 10mm M3 screw and two M3 washers (one above and one below the bogie, to help with rotation). The bogies provide fixings for a dapol-style coupling, my [3D printed design](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4632898) works well. Designed for 12.5mm diameter wheels, Hornby and Bachmann's work well - avoid Dapol's on anything than perfect track, they have much smaller flanges. The main body of the wagon is split into two files ("wagon_top" and "wagon_base") to avoid too much warping when printing. Alternatively the entire wagon is avaible as "wagon_wagon". Good base adhesion is required for printing the top of the wagon. Even with good adhesion there is a slight line of warping, but this is mostly not too visible. The brake cylinders, buffers and brake wheels work best printed in PETG. Everything else prints well in PLA. The bogie requires scafolding only on the underside of the coupling holder. MWA-B photo by [Foulger Railway Photography](https://www.flickr.com/photos/justinfoulger/), MWA photo by [Train Photos](https://www.flickr.com/photos/99279135@N05/)






