Bee Swarm Simulator Hive
Clint's BSS Pack! Everything was self-modeled, nothing was taken from Onett, or the BSS community. This kit will be updated daily, and so far, you can make the following bees with the model and paint (anything that is 3 (like Red - White - Red or patterned) striped is in this list) Basic Bee Bomber, Bumble, Brave, Cool, Hasty, Stubborn, Looker, Rad, Rascal, Bubble, Demo (which will have goggles out soon!), Exhausted, Fire, Honey, Shocked, Diamond, and Baby Bee (scale down). Will be adding more soon! Feel free to make your own bees, design your own models and etc! This is COMPLETELY open source, however, please do not sell these. These are my models, not yours to sell. Cheers!