Tire, Rim and Rear Caster
Tires Rims and a castor ======== New Chassis parts for an autonomous robot named Ping. More parts and instructions will be added if there is interest. ###Contents **Front wheel 01** This is the design intent. - Fits **N20 geared** motor - 3 mm shaft with flat. - Use with **Front Tire** **Front wheel 002B** This is an alternate design. - Fits common yellow "TT motor" geared motor - 5.4 mm shaft with symmetric flat - Use with **Front Tire** **Front tire** - designed for flexible filament - friction fit on to the front rim **Rear Tire** - to be printed in flexible filament - friction fit around standard **608 bearing** **Caster** - fits a standard **608 bearing** - printed in two halves that snap together. Why I designed this ------ Before I was the proud owner of a 3d printer I had a hot glue gun, computer scraps, an Arduino, sheer will and determination. All the components were stuck together using the circuit boards, motor gear boxes, battery holder, and some springs. Now I can 3d print! - Increase my fusion 360 skills. - Make something useful. - Give back to the community. Happy making! :) printornaut <- that’s me on insta