Twin spiral helix LED light

Twin spiral helix LED light


I used FreeCAD and PrusaSlicer 2.3 to make this model (Thanks) 2 Mar 2021, version 2 : Change to the base/collar. This is now a single 3D printed item. 3 Parts 1) Twin spiral helix arms. 2) Base lid (half), needs 2. 3) Base The finished model has 2 spiraling inward facing faces on which to stick an LED tape to make an impressive lamp. Note: for printing, you will need to invert the main body. It is NOT recommended to print it on its nose as shown !!! The LED tape is powered by 12v. I would suggest the purchase of LED tape extensions (ie 8mm 2 Pin strip connector adapter). The connector on these tape extensions click onto the pads on the tape and removes the need to solder connecting wire direct to the LED tape. Finally the marble effect PETG filament I used really made the model. Photos 1) FreeCAD showing the inbuilt supports in red. 2) Showing the model. LEDs attached, wiring completed, Base on, base lid on. 3) Photo showing the light LEDs. To enable me to take the photo I reduced the power to the LEDs, 4) Shows the initial footprint of the model and its central support 5) PrusaSlicer 2.3 showing the "painted on" support in green. 6) View from underneath the mounting plate, showing a belt of support for the top portion.






