120 mm Bed Cooling Fan for X axis extrusion
# General I made this because I use an Ultra Base style glass bed. I found that I was pointing my room fan at the thing to release prints and thought it would be nice to mount a 120mm fan above the bed that I could turn on to cool the bed off. I don't know if marlin has a bed cooling fan option, but poke me hard enough about it and maybe Ill add one? - I am including the CAD drawings with this. It should be fully constrained so it should be easy to modify. - Please don't sell this. - if you don't want to waste filament, print out the test fitting in the same orientation you would print the whole part in. # FAQ - Q: Why is this so thin and flimsy? A: Why are yall so used to things being too thick? - Q: Wont this make my bed too cool? A: well, if you want to run it while you print, do a PID tune with the fan on, or keep it off during the print.